What time will you start to sleep at night? The best time to start sleeping is 9 am to 10 pm. More than that is often said to be less good for health. However, due to some things we will not often get to sleep over 10 pm. Some of us will even have trouble sleeping until dawn.

The condition in which insomnia is referred to as insomnia. Quoted from thehealthsite.com page, insomnia can attack anyone, anytime and anywhere. To make matters worse, insomnia often attacks certain people. And because of this insomnia, the risk of various health problems in the body is getting bigger.

Here are some people who are very at risk of experiencing insomnia as well as the risk of suffering from mild to severe health problems.

Woman. Compared with men, women are the private type who are more prone to insomnia problems. This is given that women are a person who tend to think a lot, easy stress and anxiety when compared to men. Hormonal changes in the female body also triggers why it is easier to suffer from insomnia.

Personal Stress, Depression & Anxiety Dissimilar. Stress, depression and anxiety are the main drivers of insomnia. Not only insomnia, it also often increases the risk of other health problems such as heart, high blood pressure, stroke to diabetes. In order for the quality of sleep is always impressive, it is important to always be calm and positive thinking when going to bed.
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