Pineapple fruit has a content that is very good for the body. Starting from helping to streamline the body and keep blood sugar levels in the body. Read more, let's follow the info here, ladies.
Helps Slimming the Body
As quoted by, pineapple fruit contains bromelain that can stimulate digestive function and help overcome cellulite. Protein digestion process can be faster and maximum. When balanced with regular exercise, the process to lose weight will be faster.
Maintaining Heart Health
The content of bromelain in pineapple fruit can also protect the body from inflammation. Accelerate wound healing and reduce pain. The content of vitamin C in pineapple fruit can also protect the body from the problem of blood vessels and help the production process of collagen in the bones, muscles, cartilage, and blood vessels. Heart health was well maintained.
Maintaining Eye Health
Vitamin A can help maintain eye health. Carotene beta fruit content of pineapple can also maintain the power of this vision. Eating pineapples regularly can help reduce the risk of macular degeneration (macular degeneration).
Maintaining Bone Health
Calcium and magnesium contained in pineapple can strengthen bones. Drink a glass of pineapple juice can meet 70% of manganese needs per day.
Preventing Stroke
Potassium content in pineapple can help lower blood pressure and prevent blood stroke. It also can help protect yourself from myocardial infarction, the condition of the cessation of blood flow from the coronary arteries in the affected area that causes oxygen deprivation (ischemia) and heart cells to death (myocardial necrosis).
Make Younger
Rich in manganese content, pineapple fruit can protect the body from free radicals. Do you know that free radicals can cause premature aging? Well, by eating pineapple, you can keep your body to stay younger.
Lowering Blood Sugar
Got a problem with high blood sugar? Try pineapple consumption. Fiber content in pineapple fruit can help slow down the process of absorption of sugar and lower blood sugar in the body.
That was a number of benefits to be gained by the body when eating pineapple fruit. But for those who have sensitive heartburn or stomach, need to be careful when mengonsumsinya, yes because the pineapple also has a high acid content. Or if you have certain diseases and hesitant to consume pineapple fruit, check first to the doctor.
Hopefully useful info, ladies!
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