During exercise, you may have experienced foot muscle cramps. Usually this is because you are less warmed up, too long standing or dehydrated. Muscles that experience extreme movement abruptly also will make the muscle of shock so that it cramps. Too tired can also make leg cramps.

But there was another reason why the legs could suddenly cramp as described by Mark D. Peterson, PhD professor of physical medicine at the University of Michigan Medical School at Health.com, and perhaps these things are often unnoticed.

1. Pregnant

It turns out that pregnancy can increase the risk of leg cramps in women, especially in the second and third trimesters. This is triggered by the lack of magnesium and potassium in the body. If you are pregnant and have leg cramps, drink more so as not to dehydrate and eat foods high in magnesium and potassium.

2. Treatment

If you are undergoing certain medications, such as medication decreases blood pressure, sometimes cramps occur because the muscles lose fluid and salt. Other treatments that cause cramps are drugs for osteoporosis, anemia, asthma, and estrogen-boosting drugs for menopausal women.

3. Diabetes

High blood sugar levels can cause nerve damage to the feet, arms and hands due to the peripheral neuropathy of diabetes. This condition causes the muscles feel numb, numb, cramp or tingle. The muscle in a condition that can not be used properly because the influence of blood sugar is too high.

So, not just less warming, dehydration or too often standing that can make you experience leg cramps. Maybe you are experiencing the above 3 things, ladies.
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