Exploring the virtual world of course we will find a lot of surprising things. Starting from a beautiful-looking woman to a trivial thing that never thought. But surfing in social media certainly makes us have to be more careful. Technological sophistication can outwit anyone who sees. No exception photographs of women as below. God-level editing skills can change the face of women to be more beautiful also fascinating. The expertise is performed by a user named Weibo Kanahoooo or the familiar warganet call it "Photoshop Holy" or in Indonesian means God of Photoshop.

Thanks to his abilities he claimed to gain followers as much as 430 thousand in social media. It is even used as a permanent job for the cold-handed woman. Not only that, he serves a variety of customer requests to edit their photos to be more "luminous" for the purposes of photo profiles on social media. Realizing that, Kanaho even gave a warning, "Do not believe in things that look perfect in social media," he explained.

"If you want to see the truth, just meet the person directly," he said.

Wow, so more curious ya like what the heck of the image editing by Kanaho this

Here's a summary of 8 photos before and after being touched by the hands of the god Kanaho.

1. From the usual aja gets rich Japanese cartoons!

Gokil! So different! The face that was previously wide so gaunt gini.

2. Changed drastically

Nature! Do not Live Believe In The Pictures Beautiful Girls, 8 Photos Edit Gods Level This Witness!

3. Dolls

Japanese doll basin, his cheeks so gaunt so really?

4. Cosplayer

It's really loud! taste rich two different photos yes!

5. Different thin

If this girl is a taste-rasaya not need to use photoshop deh already sweet gini.

6. Unconfident

Sometimes many people do photo editing is excessive because they feel unattractive.

Like this one photo, if you see there is nothing wrong with the face of the girl in1.

Without the edit is also pretty.

7. Ice cream

This hell is edited ice cream aja, do not be the person. Pretty beautiful!

8. More slim

This woman edited her photo to look more svelte and thin.
Though his chubby cheeks make him more cute
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